Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Beginning

For me, finding that first sentence to write has always been the hardest part of any writing task I’ve ever undertaken.  Whether it be the first sentence of a paper, an email, a personal note in a card or any other message where what you say carries some semblance of importance, it has always been that first sentence that leaves me staring at a blank page searching for inspiration.  Once I’ve found that inspiration, however, I can usually make my way through the process of saying what I intended to say in the first place.

Perhaps due to that initial trepidation, accompanied by the regular demands of life, I’ve found myself with less and less time to sit and partake in a hobby that I used to enjoy – writing.  Lately, I’ve found that I miss sitting at the keyboard, banging out some random story or some poem that would probably never make its way into the light of day.  I remember the satisfaction it gave me to know that I created something that could, quite possibly, take on a life of it’s own.

That’s precisely why I’ve decided to start this blog.  Not so much to comment on current events or try to be the voice of authority on a particular subject, but to delve back into the creative side of writing, and try to sharpen those literary skills that have become quite rusty over time.  If you follow what I’ll try to write here, you’ll most likely find various stories about random topics, comments on hot-button issues, poems, etc.  Who knows what you might run across here.

By way of writing this blog, I do hope what I say will make you think, laugh, cry, become angry, experience joy, and appreciate the world around you.  I hope it makes you feel emotions that we don’t always allow ourselves to show; emotions we bottle up in order to trudge through our normal, everyday routine.  Have an idea?  An opinion?  A suggestion?  By all means share it with me!  You never know just what I’ll do with it!


  1. Well I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

  2. God sorry, bloody ramdom exlamation mark makes that sound like an order!

    If you cold just re-read it without?
